RE: unification (CJKV history) ; Alphabetic Aramaic+ ...

From: Elaine Keown (
Date: Tue Dec 09 2003 - 17:07:18 EST

  • Next message: Gupta, Shubhagam: "XML based mapping files."

             Elaine Keown
             still in Texas

    Dear Tom Emerson:

    > > This history of unification is laid out pretty
    > > clearly in Appendix A of TUS.

    I hope this is online--And they go all the way back to
    the 200 previous suggestions, some from the Chinese
    Language Computer Society?

    > "A Computational Theory of Writing Systems" or

    I'm looking for previous thought on properties of
    scripts that affect how they are encoded....Sproat did
    that only a little--that was the disappointment.

    I think that encoding standards are actually the
    technical end of what they call "sociolinguistics" in
    linguistics dept + discussing a script's computational properties.....Elaine

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