Date: Tue Dec 16 2003 - 16:24:02 EST
Kenneth Whistler scripsit:
> But your p seems to have glottophagiated the ff in "whiffs",
> unless the implication is that the Mistress of Cultural
> Parochialism also has an odiferous fetish with the leather lash
> she's using to scourge the misbehaving perpetrators of foreignisms. :-)
I think you want "odoriferous" rather than "odiferous", though the latter
term, ynkhorne as it is, may have some small applicability here.
> And yes, that's an open invitation to further OT-ify a thread that
> has gone bad. This forum definitely needs some thread discipline here.
Well, until we see either a whip (in the parliamentary sense) or a flagellifer
here, we can't expect much.
-- A rabbi whose congregation doesn't want John Cowan to drive him out of town isn't a rabbi, and a rabbi who lets them do it isn't a man. --Jewish saying
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