Re: Case mapping of dotless lowercase letters

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Thu Dec 18 2003 - 06:54:53 EST

  • Next message: Séamas Ó Brógáin: "RE: American English translation of character names"

    On 18/12/2003 03:30, John Hudson wrote:

    > At 02:48 AM 12/18/2003, Peter Kirk wrote:
    >> As I made clear before, Turkish drops the dot from both lower and
    >> upper case when it adds the circumflex.
    > Can you give me some references for this Peter? I would like to find
    > out more about the use of circumflex in Turkish.

    Did you see my posting with the extract:

    > TÜRK *MİLLÎ* KODLANDIRMA SİSTEMİ. *...* . *Millî* Kodlandırma
    > Sisteminin temelini ...

    This is from a Turkish government site which comes up when I do a Google
    search on "millî", but the site itself doesn't seem to be available. You
    will find that the spellings "millî" (19,600 Google matches) and "milli"
    (709,000 matches, but not all are Turkish) are interchangeable, but
    "millı" is rare (52 matches) and so probably an error. Note the
    following for "National Education Ministry":

    "Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı" - 22,100 matches
    "Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı" - 1,270 matches
    "Millı Eğitim Bakanlığı" - 3 matches

    My Turkish-English dictionary gives only "milli". For the grammar and
    orthography, is a basic

    Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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