From: John Hudson (
Date: Tue Dec 23 2003 - 11:39:27 EST
At 03:59 AM 12/23/2003, Peter Kirk wrote:
>The roadmapped "Aramaic" script, despite being proposed for the BMP, is
>not a script in modern use. It is a historic script from around 2500 years
>ago which survives only in a few very diverse inscriptional and papyrus
>fragments (including those already separately roadmapped as Palmyrene
>etc), and in texts which have been transmitted in the slightly later
>variant which is called Aramaic square script or (by Unicode) Hebrew script.
It sounds as if you at least have some idea what this historic script
consists of, as something obviously distinct from Palmyrene and the square
script. What does it look like?
John Hudson
Tiro Typeworks
Vancouver, BC
What was venerated as style was nothing more than
an imperfection or flaw that revealed the guilty hand.
- Orhan Pamuk, _My name is red_
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