Re: why Aramaic now

From: John Hudson (
Date: Wed Dec 24 2003 - 16:07:46 EST

  • Next message: Elaine Keown: "Re: why Aramaic now lumpers and splitters"

    At 12:38 PM 12/24/2003, Curtis Clark wrote:

    >I've been following these threads with interest, as an uninformed
    >bystander. Michael's unwillingness to unify in haste seems correct in
    >first principles, independent of his expertise and experience. But you
    >have presented the first cogent (to me :-) argument for why delaying the
    >decision is a problem.

    Possibly, although it isn't necessarily the job of a proposer to decide in
    which Unicode range a particular character or set of characters belongs.
    Extra-alphabetic characters such as marks, punctuation or symbols may be
    used by multiple scripts, so they don't necessarily belong with a
    particular script, either one that is already encoded or one that is on the
    roadmap. What is important for proposers to do is to document how
    characters are used, including use in multiple scripts or possible variants
    of potentially unified scripts. You don't need to be certain about where
    things will end up in order to begin the proposal process: you just have to
    document the uncertainty.

    John Hudson

    Tiro Typeworks
    Vancouver, BC

    What was venerated as style was nothing more than
    an imperfection or flaw that revealed the guilty hand.
                    - Orhan Pamuk, _My name is red_

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