Re: Ancient Northwest Semitic Script

From: Jim Allan (
Date: Mon Dec 29 2003 - 16:15:55 EST

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    Peter Kirk wrote:

    > Jim, you seem to be almost contradicting yourself here. In fact it is by
    > no means certain that there were separate Hebrew and Phoenician
    > languages at the time of the Gezer calendar (9th century BCE? - from
    > memory). At least they may have been no more different than British and
    > American English. They did gradually grow apart. But at the start they
    > were one.

    At that time indeed they would *likely* have been close enough to be
    considered mere dialects of each other, depending on how you define a
    dialect and how you define a language.

    The Gezer Calendar is something that some scholars have fought over
    rather futilely as to whether it is written in Phoenician or Hebrew or
    some other related language/dialect.

    for a summary that I think fits recent tendencies to let such matters lie.

    Jim Allan

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