Mathematical exist and forall in Unicode

From: Mirek (
Date: Tue Dec 30 2003 - 04:55:49 EST

  • Next message: "[slightly OT] representing Arabic (in ASCII) in IM"


    I am not sure if it is the proper place to discuss the case if missing
    characters, but haven't found better place.

    I tried to find out two characters in unicode and encountered the
    following problem. There are two characters for logical EXISTS and FOR
    ALL signs. There exists "old notation" that is in unicode (exist =
    mirrored E, for all = inverted A) and yet new notation (exist = the
    character similar to logical OR OPERATOR but bigger, and for all =
    similar to logical AND OPERATOR, but bigger).

    IMHO it's strange that unicode does not cover both types of notations,
    or maybe I missed something.


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