Re: Chinese rod numerals

From: Chris Jacobs (
Date: Tue Jan 13 2004 - 06:44:57 EST

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: Detecting encoding in Plain text"

    > My suggestion would be to just give values 1-9, 10-90 for the
    > Chinese rod numerals and be done with it, for the Unicode character
    > properties. But the fact that the values are position dependent
    > raises the suspicion that this really is a calculation system,
    > rather than simply a set of 18 numeral characters, and as such, it
    > may be over the edge of what is appropriate to encode in the
    > Unicode Standard.
    > --Ken

    Too bad it is over the edge, for if it wasn't it could have been encoded as

    Supplementary characters for chinese rods base-100 digits 0-99.
    Left half of the glyph looks like space or 10-90.
    Right half looks like space or 1-9.

    Assigned in such a way that the 18 cinese rod numerals plus two extra spaces
    behave as if they were assigned to surrogate code points.

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