From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Thu Jan 15 2004 - 16:52:05 EST
> Mark E. Shoulson scripsit:
> > It's incredibly useful, Philippe, to have some inkling of what you're
> > talking about before you answer.
> What, and ruin his large and growing reputation as one of the masters of
> misinformation? He'll be challenging Abrigon Gusiq next.
ghojmoHwl'Daj vuvbe'chugh vay'
'ej joDaj SaHbe'chugh,
chaq val ghaH 'ach mISqu'.
Those who do not respect their teachers
And don't care for their resources
However clever they may be, they're utterly confused.
Another translation:
If the guide is not respected,
Or the material is not cared for,
Confusion will result, no matter how clever one is.
Of course, this text has resisted definitive, exact translation
from its Klingon original.
Another attempt at translation into Chinese has it as:
Bu2gui4 qi2 shi1, U+4E0D U+8CB4 U+5176 U+5E2B
Bu2ai4 qi2 zi1, U+4E0D U+611B U+5176 U+8CC7
Sui2 zhi4 da4 mi2. U+96D6 U+667A U+5927 U+8FF7
--Ken :-)
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