Re: Unicode forms for internal storage

From: Jon Hanna (
Date: Wed Jan 21 2004 - 05:24:38 EST

  • Next message: Elliotte Rusty Harold: "Re: Unicode forms for internal storage"

    > In developing such a format I have a couple of advantages:
    > 1. Most C0 controls are forbidden, and will not appear in the data.
    > That's already verified. If someone tries to pass in a C0 control
    > other than tab, linefeed, or carriage return to setValue, an
    > exception is thrown and the data is not stored. Potentially one or
    > more of these characters could be used as markers in the stream.

    Okay I know your looking at SCSU for this now, but in case you return to this
    I'll make this point.

    Do you plan to support XML1.1 with XOM? The C0 controls forbidden in the 1.0
    spec are allowed in the 1.1 spec if they appear as character references - so
    this no longer holds (unless you store them as references or otherwise escaped,
    which would bring its own issues).

    Jon Hanna
    *Thought provoking quote goes here*

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