From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 05:17:40 EST
On 27/01/2004 20:18, Doug Ewell wrote:
>Peter Kirk <peterkirk at qaya dot org> wrote:
>>Well, I was thinking that it should be specified in the Unicode
>>or character charts cf. the notes in the IPA extensions block and on
>>0346-034E. Maybe it is IPA's responsibility, but the link "IPA and
>>Unicode" at their page is
>Not broken, but it takes you to the home page of the Department of
>Linguistics at the University of Victoria (British Columbia), which
>doesn't seem to be much help. You have to do some navigating to end up
>which shows a full IPA chart (with additions) in Unicode.
>Note that in the "Contour" section at lower right, the characters that
>are supposed to be built from combinations of tone bars (U+02E5 through
>U+02E9) are replaced by a big red notice, "NOT YET SUPPORTED BY
>UNICODE." They are, but it's probably an understatement to say that
>font support for these combinations is a bit weak.
>-Doug Ewell
> Fullerton, California
Thank you, Doug. This is a useful test page for IPA support. It would be
even more useful if it attempted to display 02E5-02E9, perhaps with a
suitable note about limited support.
-- Peter Kirk (personal) (work)
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