Re: Web Form: Other Question: Etruscan,Sanscrit & Linear B on ibo ok G4

From: Christopher Vance (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 18:32:40 EST

  • Next message: Mark E. Shoulson: "Re: Latin Theta?"

    On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 08:09:28PM +0100, Marco Cimarosti wrote:
    >John Jenkins wrote:
    >> Anybody understand what he means by there is "unicode gamma of
    >> characters but it is not complete"?
    >I guess "unicode gamma of characters" is Italinglish for "Unicode character
    >(Italian "gamma" means "repertoire", "range", "scale", "set".)

    As in English "gammut".

    Christopher Vance

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