Re: Version(s) of Unicode supported by various versions of Microsoft Windows

From: Patrick Andries (
Date: Fri Mar 05 2004 - 13:48:26 EST

  • Next message: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan: "Re: Version(s) of Unicode supported by various versions of Microsoft Windows"

    Peter said:

    >>People *really shouldn't* ask "Does product X support Unicode version
    >>N?" They should be asking questions like "Can product X correctly
    >>perform function Y on such-and-such characters added in Unicode version

    This makes for a rather long list of questions if you want to know what
    Microsoft supports in a new OS or product release for instance.

    One might think of how to best present the latest support level in a
    concise fashion and not on a per function per character basis.

    P. A.

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