Re: Urdu Unicode website [Was: Novice question]

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Wed Mar 24 2004 - 13:14:28 EST

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: Urdu Unicode website [Was: Novice question]"

    From: "Peter Constable" <>
    > > how
    > > do you enter Urdu with Microsoft Windows 2000? I have a Spanish one
    > with
    > > SP4, IE6 SP1, Arabic script enabled. Surely something is missing, but
    > where
    > > can I find it? Should I use KLC?
    > My understanding is that Spanish Windows 2000 includes input methods for
    > Arabic script.

    And the French version of Office comes bundled with the full support for Arabic
    (including proofing tools and extended document layout management). My retail
    French version of Windows XP also has this support on the CDROM.

    Support for arabic is simply popular for users of French versions of Office and
    Windows, notably because these versions are also distributed in North Africa
    where both languages have official status and are widely used, but also because
    there's a large enough population in France working with Arabic as their native

    If only this could be true also with Berber/Tamazigh (Latin script) that many
    French residents would like to get out of the box, if Unicode and African
    communities and scholars can finally find an agreement for a more complete and
    usable Latin character set...

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