CSS3 Text's status

From: fantasai (fantasai.lists@inkedblade.net)
Date: Sun Mar 28 2004 - 14:39:14 EST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: U+0140"

    Tom Gewecke wrote:

    > Regarding the use of "higher level protocols" to deal with the complex
    > issues of vertical layout, the CSS 3 text module may be of interest:
    > http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-text/

    The CSS WG is considering a rewrite of the Text Layout section of that
    spec (the part that deals with vertical directions), among other things.
    Some of the problems with that section are outlined in


    P.S. Would anyone be willing to send me an mbox of at least the last
    few weeks' mail? Typing reference headers into email drafts with a text
    editor is a bit hackish.


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