From: D. Starner (
Date: Tue Mar 30 2004 - 16:29:12 EST
"Dominikus Scherkl (MGW)" writes:
> I would expect any application to allow _all_ properties to
> defined by the user for each and any PUA charakter.
> If not so, it's a bug in the application! (at least if it can
> handle charakters with the same properties elsewhere in the
That's a nice theory. But in practice I don't know of a single
program that allows you to change the properties of Unicode
characters without a recompile. You'd really need a standard
format for defining the PUA, because even Unicode geeks would
get tired of inputing the various properties by hand into every
I think Unicode made the PUA too hard to use, deliberately or
through apathy. If there were some standard way to announcing
the system being used or even to segregate characters by users,
it might be usable. But in practice, cuneiform PUA usage in
plain text was broken due to concerns about confusion, and
Klingon webpages tend to get their characters mixed with random
junk from other pages. It's almost more reliable to use the
ASCII or Latin-1 area for your PUA characters than the PUA
itself--at least there, the programs won't usually switch fonts
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