Re: New Currency sign in Unicode

From: Chris Jacobs (
Date: Thu Apr 01 2004 - 10:30:25 EST

  • Next message: Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin: "Re: New Currency sign in Unicode"

    > The cedi sign should be of the size of the dollar sign ($) or the euro
    sign (EUR).
    > The site you provided is using the cent sign.
    > The Ghana web site uses a better version of the cent sign for the cedi.
    > See
    > We are developing a keyboard for Ghanaian languages and with it we are
    considering font issues.
    > We think that it would be a good idea to have the currency of the country
    on the keyboard.

    But does it need a different code point from the cent?

    In the chapter 14 pdf from is
    something about currency symbols.
    It says:

    "Lira Sign. A separate currency sign U+20A4 LIRA SIGN is encoded for
    compatibility with
    the HP Roman-8 character set, which is still widely implemented in printers.
    However, in
    general, U+00A3 POUND SIGN should be used for both the various currencies
    known as
    pound (or punt), as well as the various currencies known as lira-for
    example, the former
    currency of Italy and the lira still in use in Turkey. Widespread
    implementation practice in
    Italian and Turkish systems has long made use of U+00A3 as the currency sign
    for the lira.
    As in the case of the dollar sign, the glyphic distinction between single-
    and double-bar versions
    of the sign is not indicative of a systematic difference in the currency."

    > Using the cent sign is something Ghanaians have been doing just because it
    is close to the cedi sign.

    Would not the Ghanaians, just like the Italians with their Lire, continue to
    do that even if there were a cedi code point?

    I think just having Ghanaian fonts with big size cents, just as you can have
    Italian fonts with double barred pound, is a better solution.

    Did you read this already: ?

    > kyekyeku

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