From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Fri Apr 09 2004 - 13:38:48 EDT
From: "Jony Rosenne" <>
To: "'Peter Kirk'" <>; "'Biblical Hebrew'"
<>; "'Biblical Languages'"
<>; "'Hebrew Computing list'"
<>; <>; "'For issues pertaining
to ancient languages'" <UNICODE@LSV.UKY.EDU>; "'Unicode List'"
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 8:08 PM
Subject: [hebrew] Re: Draft proposal for Unicode encoding of holam male
> Peter, I noticed you copied this message to the "Hebrew Computing List".
> Unfortunately, this list is copyrighted. It carries the notice: "Copyright C
> David Grossman. World rights reserved. This article may not be printed,
> forwarded, reproduced, or copied in any way or in any medium without written
> permission from David Grossman."
This is not an exclusive concession of licence, because the message he sent to
that orther list was also posted to other places which have not such
restrictions. Peter is still the author and still owns his rights on the content
he sends there.
> Under such terms I would think you cannot post the same item to Unicode
> lists and to the "Hebrew Computing List".
> Another question is why would you give Mr. Grossman copyright to your
> writing. I wouldn't.
He just gives an unrestricted usage licence to Mr. Grossman, but not the full
copyright. Grossman still keeps his right to redistribute or restrict the
distribution of the content of his list, but he cannot steal the copyrights from
its contributors.
So if the Grossman list adds its own content to the Peter's post, only that
added content will be covered by Grossman copyright (which cannot also still the
rights of its own advertizers, if there are some).
This is true unless Peter has a non-disclosure contract (normally such a
contract is paid) that limits his rights on what he sends to the Grossman's
list. The things may have been different if Peter had posted only to Grossman's
Note also that the Grossman's list is hosted in Yahoo Groups, and this implies
that Peter ALSO gives an equivalent unrestricted but non-exclusive licence of
his words to Yahoo... And Grossmann cannot legitimately take on Yahoo's rights.
See the Yahoo Groups usage terms...
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