Re: U+0140

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Fri Apr 16 2004 - 07:00:01 EDT

  • Next message: Antoine Leca: "Re: U+0140"

    From: "Antoine Leca" <>
    > And yes, similarly to Catalan, the emphatic/prolongated l sound is not
    > usualy marked.

    In French, the emphatic/prolongated l (written with a double l) is usually
    marked by altering the phonetic of the preceding vowel, such as

    - in "collčge" where 'o' is often pronounced open, unlike in "colatéral" where
    "o" is always closed.
    - if the preceding vowel is a 'e' it is clearly and always pronounced like a 'č'
    in "désceller" instead of the neutral 'e' in "déceler".
    - If the preceding vowel is a 'i' with another previous vowel the non-final
    sequence 'ill' notes a 'y' half-vowel sound like in "maille"; if there's no
    vowel before that i, the i is a plain vowel, and the double l is generally non
    emphatic like in "ville" (or "village" or the imported English term "grill")
    with a long i that shortens the l sound, to compare with "vile" (the feminine
    form of the adjective "vil") or "vilénie" where the i is short and the l
    - There are known exceptions when i is not preceded by another vowel; between
    "mille" (long i, emphatic l) and "grille" (long i, half-vowel 'y')
    - With a preceding 'u', "műle" or "műlet" or "tubulure" use a short 'ü' sound
    and a l which may be emphatic/long if terminal, unlike "bulle" with a long 'u'
    sound and a non emphatic short l...

    Historically, Catalan and French had the same writing system.

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