Re: [OT] Even viruses are now i18n!

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Thu Apr 22 2004 - 20:08:50 EDT

  • Next message: Christopher Vance: "Re: [OT] Even viruses are now i18n!"

    From: "Antoine Leca" <>
    > On Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:14 PM
    > Peter Kirk <> va escriure:
    > > The virus writers have presumably confused
    > > .tc and .tk
    > .TR for Turkey. .TK (Tokelau) is not more sensible

    Or is that [tk] for Turkmen (the language code in ISO 639-1)?
    Not to confuse with [tr], the ISO 639-1 code for the Turkish language...

    (no language currently has the 2-letters code [tc] in ISO 639-1).

    The Tokelau language also exists with its own language code [tkl] in ISO 639-2/B
    or 639-2/T, but no 2-letters code in ISO 639-1.

    Tokelau [TK] is a group of islands in the Pacific, and a dependency of New
    Zealand [NZ].

    Turks and Caicos Islands (in French, Îles Turks et Caïques, ISO 3166 code [TC])
    is a dependency of the British Crown in the Carribeans. Its main language is
    English [en]...

    May be it's time to get into the new CLDR repository if you don't have one of
    the many copies of the ISO 3166 country/territory codes list, and of the ISO 639
    language codes, and the ongoing ISO 3066 locale codes?

    Never forget that language codes and country/territory codes are different...

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