Re: Unihan.txt and the four dictionary sorting algorithm

From: Edward H. Trager (
Date: Fri Apr 23 2004 - 15:31:34 EDT

  • Next message: Peter Constable: "RE: Common Locale Data Repository Project"

    On Friday 2004.04.23 13:57:56 -0400, wrote:
    > Edward H. Trager scripsit:
    > > (Windows' lack of a decent shell and command-line tools is probably
    > > what makes the OS most annoying).
    > Cygwin ( is your friend; it provides a relatively
    > complete Unix hosted on Win32. It works best on the NT branch of the
    > family when the disks are NTFS, but will degrade gracefully under W9x
    > and/or FAT.

    Absolutely. The existence of Cygwin makes work on Windows much more tolerable,
    especially since Cygwin provides the OpenSSH client, XFree86, Perl,
    console vim, egrep, etc. However, I still haven't figured out how to display
    a UTF-8 file with non-latin characters in the Cygwin bash shell (on Win2K). As
    far as I know, this shell really just sits on top of a DOS shell. And
    as far as I can tell, "chcp 65001" still doesn't let you see, for example,
    CJK characters in the terminal. I don't think it is possible. Since I also
    can't figure out how to see non-latin characters in the graphical
    version of vim (Gvim 6.2) on Windows, I rest my case that Windows is annoying.

    > It's free software. As soon as I find myself on a Windows machine, it's
    > the first thing I install after the Internet tetralogy: AVG Anti-Virus,
    > Spybot, Adaware, and Sygate Personal Firewall.
    > Disclaimer: I have no connection with any of these companies.
    > --
    > He played King Lear as though John Cowan <>
    > someone had played the ace.
    > --Eugene Field

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