[locale] OpenI18N.org annucement? ICU news?

From: Philippe Verdy (verdy_p@wanadoo.fr)
Date: Sun Apr 25 2004 - 14:41:09 EDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "[locale] mailing lists? (was: Standardize TimeZone ID)"

    I note that there's still no announcement in the OpenI18N.org "News&Headline"
    part of its home page, and nothing about the future of the project and its new
    policy... I don't think that the LADE, IM, Ultil Dev, Test Suites, and m17n-lib
    parts will fall into the scope of Unicode.org...
    The only thing that falls here is LDML a part of the LADE project.
    The rest is the repository of locales data in IBM ICU...

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