Re: Bantu click letters

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Thu Jun 10 2004 - 21:04:17 CDT

  • Next message: Peter Constable: "RE: Bantu click letters"

    At 18:48 -0700 2004-06-10, Mark Davis wrote:
    >There are two reasons we might not encode a particular image as a
    >character. I had said:
    >>Many images are not appropriate for use in plain text, or have too
    >small a user community.
    >That is, you need to have something that is appropriate for use in plain text
    >*and* have a significant user community.

    "Significant"? How many people use medieval CJK race-horse-name characters?

    >As far as I have seen from the email, there is no real evidence for
    >a user community. If a character only occurs in a couple of works,
    >means there is simply not the utility in encoding it; PUA is the
    >right choice.

    I don't like shifting goalposts. We have encoded many characters
    which are extremely rare.

    >There is a much larger set of documents containing the Prince icon,
    >but we don't want to encode that either!

    The Prince icon is a LOGO, Mark, and is out of scope by definition.

    Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

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