RE: lines 05-08, version 4.7 of Roadmap to BMP and 'Hebrew extens ions'

From: Marco Cimarosti (
Date: Mon Jun 28 2004 - 05:49:03 CDT

  • Next message: Cristian Secarã: "what combining diacritical mark suits d and l with stroke ?"

    Rick McGowan wrote:
    > > ....I mistakenly thought Tifinagh was rtl.
    > That's OK. It has been, and sometimes still is, written right
    > to left, hence it was roadmapped in a right-to-left
    > allocation block. However, in modern usage, and in the
    > Moroccan national standard now being drafted, it
    > is specifically left to right.

    Is the draft of this Moroccan standard on-line somewhere?


    _ Marco

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