Re: is "n with tilde" used in French language ?

From: Stefan Persson (
Date: Sun Jul 04 2004 - 15:10:40 CDT

  • Next message: John Cowan: "Re: is "n with tilde" used in French language ?"

    Cristian Secară wrote:
    > Should I understand that this charactere was only used in "old" French ?

    I have only seen ñ in old French; however, old French also uses tilde
    above lots of other characters, such as all vowels (ãẽĩõũỹ) and a lot of
    consonants, e.g. q̃ (for the old spelling of "que"). Instead of writing
    an "n", you often put a tilde over the letter preceding the "n". So
    e.g. "France" was "Frãce." I believe that this spelling was used until
    about the time of the French revolution.


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