Re: Changing UCA primar[l]y weights (bad idea)

From: Patrick Andries (
Date: Mon Jul 12 2004 - 08:41:04 CDT

  • Next message: busmanus: "Re: Importance of diacritics (was: Looking for transcription ...)"

    Alain LaBonté a écrit :

    > It would be much better to make sorting, matching and searching
    > consistent with tailored tables of either the UCA or ISO/IEC 14651.
    > Unfortunately that is not what happens in most products, except in
    > some good search engines (Google, Altavista and the like, which are
    > smart enough for this -- but are not tailorable, to my knowledge --
    > and there are slight differences in behaviour between Google and
    > Altavista although it is very much better that Mozilla or MS products
    > in all cases).

    [PA] Sometimes too smart when one wants to search a word with an accent
    and not find the far more numerous forms without it. A small check mark
    (ignore diacritics) would be welcome. (Anybody from Google reading the
    list ?)

    P. A.

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