From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Thu Jul 15 2004 - 06:24:26 CDT
On 15/07/2004 10:56, Dominikus Scherkl (MGW) wrote:
>>>Secondly, the dieresis is used to indicate that two vowels are
>>>pronounced separately. I haven't seen a case where the vowels would
>>>already be accented.
>>There are such cases
>May be, but it doesn't matter - no german reader would ever take
>any combination of diacritics for an umlaut + something else,
>because in german such combinations simply doesn't exist.
>Only the tréma alone could be confused.
The German readers' instincts would probably be wrong when they came to
Livonian, for seems to
imply A and O with diaeresis and macron are modified forms of A with
umlaut and O with umlaut. Livonian is of marginal importance, I agree,
as according to there
were only 35 remaining speakers in 1990 (down to "at least four" in 1997
accroding to, and "The
overall number of items printed in Livonian amounts only to a couple of
-- Peter Kirk (personal) (work)
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