From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Sun Aug 15 2004 - 10:33:19 CDT
From: "Doug Ewell" <>
> Seeing that Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian have been given their own
> separate ISO 639 codes, for almost purely political reasons (they are
> dialects), I doubt it's necessary to worry about erasing the political
> distinction between Romanian and Moldavian.
True, even if some future, Romania and Moldavia decide to unite politically
in the same country.
-- I heard that was proposed by Moldavian political leaders, which may see
that as a way to consolidate their definitive rupture from the former CIS,
and accelerate their integration in the European Union (when it will soon
integrate Romania), as it happened with unified Germany. --
It's quite notable that the Romanization in Moldavia is accelerating,
modifying the regional dialect itself. But I don't know if Moldavia is not
at the same time integrating non Romanian words (for example from English or
Should the polical unification of these countries occur, there are still so
many languages for regions that are not delimited only by country borders,
so the deprecation of the code would that there would be no difference
between the regional dialects of the unified language. The [mo/mol] codes
may still be useful to refer to historic texts using the cyrillic script,
and with "strange" imports of Russian words.
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