Arabic Implementation

From: Nitin Kapoor (
Date: Tue Aug 17 2004 - 20:38:26 CDT

  • Next message: Chris Jacobs: "Re: Arabic Implementation"

    Hello Friends,

    I am implementing ARABIC in one of our embedded projects .I have read the
    Unicode standard well and would like to ask a question about joining types.

    After a character changes the display form into one mentioned in Arabic
    Presentation Form B does it still belong to a joining type.

    For example: Lets say Unicode Character : 0x0622 which is a right joining
    type , when this changes the display form into ISOLATED FORM its Unicode
    becomes : 0xfe81.

    So does 0xfe81 also belong to Right Joining type? I am asking this question
    because according to Derived Joining Type .txt provided by UNICODE, it
    doesnˇ¦t have any category for characters once they change their display

    I personally feel that a particular character belonging to a particular
    joining type will have all its different display forms also belonging to the
    particular joining type .

    Please advice me if I am on the right track.



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