From: Jörg Knappen (
Date: Sun Aug 22 2004 - 14:09:21 CDT
Dear Unicoders, hallo Barbara
I finally solved the mystery of the circled S which has found its way to
the AMS math fonts. It is indentified as a letterlike symbol still missing
from UNicode:
looks like: S in a circle
meaning: A protected crop variety (there is a special protection
of crop varieties in germany and now also in EU. In german it is called
Sortenschutz and the registration agency is the Bundessortenamt)
usage: current, in mail order garden catalogues. It is often used together
with the registered sign.
In the following links you can see it:
(from the catalogue of Ahrens + Sieberz, Spring 2004, page 58)
(from the catalogue of Gaertner Poetschke, Wundervolle Gartenwelt, Autumn
The latter example shows a variety which is both GESCHUETZE SORTE and
For the design, I suggest to use a non-superscript version, following the
design of the registered sign.
How it came to be included in the AMS fonts is still a mystery, since no
mathematical use of it is known to me.
J"org Knappen
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