From: Jörg Knappen (
Date: Mon Aug 23 2004 - 11:47:32 CDT
On Mon, 23 Aug 2004, Kevin Brown wrote:
> I've just noticed that the "script l" character (U+2113) is one of only
> two apparently mandatory characters (the other being "estimated" U+212E)
> included in addition to the MacOS Roman character set in a collection of
> recently released Linotype fonts.
> Is there any other common usage for U+2113 apart from as the liter/litre
> symbol that would explain its apparently mandatory inclusion in these
> fonts?
It is used as a mathematical symbol. It started to make the letter l
visibly distinct from the digit 1 but has got its own life since than.
> Also, does this symbol usually occur in only one style/weight, namely
> italic regular? Or does it also appear in upright regular, upright bold,
> and italic bold depending on the typographic context?
I have never seen anything but italic regular in serious use, but TeX also
has a bold italic regular version of it available and because it is easily
availble someone will have found a clever use for it.
--J"org Knappen
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