From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Tue Sep 07 2004 - 10:22:38 CDT
From: "Doug Ewell" <>
> António Martins-Tuválkin <antonio at tuvalkin dot web dot pt> wrote:
>> Deseret in use (?) by "micronation" Molossia: It is explained at
>> < >, but they put GIFs on-line,
>> making no use of the U+10400 block...
> I visited their site, wondering if they could use some assistance with
> transcription and Unicode from an American "foreign national" who reads
> and writes Deseret (and has been to the area recently). But they seem
> more interested in relations with residents of other micronations than
> with Americans. ğ„ ğ¶ğ¯ğ‘Š, ğ»ğ ğºğ°ğ¼.
Seriously, do these kings and emperors, that "reign" on these lands and
claim various disputed places around the world, or even on the Moon or Mars,
and can issue currency by buying Monopoly(tm) game bills, be taken
On these micro"nations", you'll find so many consitutional changes, for so
few peoples (most often not more than a handful), that I doubt these peoples
can claim create a "standard".
What is real is that they have found a legal way to escape from their
hosting country to put them out of laws, but also out of assistance. None of
them are recognized internationally, except between themselves in a virtual
forum (if they can pay for their Internet access used "abroad"...)
We can accept their volonty of independance, but they have also to accept
what this implies. Most of these self-claimed lands have disappeared after
less than a dozen of years (divorce, family conflicts, or simply poverty
caused by lack of local job and resources; none of these lands could live
without tourism, if people visiting them accept to pay their tax in
full-fledged US dollars or Euros...)
I remember such self-claimed country by someone who bought an old oil
platform, and anchored it in the international waters North of Europe. This
platform is under International laws, but is not a homeland (nobody lives
there), despite it is out of laws of the neighboring country. This has
allowed the man owning it to escape from taxes and to found a financial
company with "black" money that resists from fiscal inspections... until the
status of the waters was resolved at the UN, by an agreement between
neighbouring countries;
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