From: John Cowan (
Date: Thu Sep 09 2004 - 09:07:14 CDT
Peter Kirk scripsit:
> >Names are sometimes inaccurate, viz. ZINOR and ZARQA and the infamous
> >FHTORA. That doesn't change the meaning or utility of the character.
> Agreed. It simply changes, indeed destroys completely, the utility of
> the character name.
Not at all. As I've told you before (and you agreed before), it's
just as much a fallacy to suppose that Unicode character names carry
no information as to suppose that they carry complete information.
The truth is somewhere between: most names are helpful, a few names
are partially misleading (but not totally so).
As for FHTORA, it's annoying, but I don't see how it can be read as
anything but FTHORA if you know anything about Greek at all, which is
probably why it was overlooked until it was too late.
-- You escaped them by the will-death John Cowan and the Way of the Black Wheel. I could not. --Great-Souled Sam
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