Re: Unicode & Shorthand?

From: Ernest Cline (
Date: Sat Sep 18 2004 - 21:06:22 CDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: Unicode & Shorthand?"

    > [Original Message]
    > From: Chris Jacobs <>
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: "Christopher Fynn" <>
    > > Is there any plan to include sets of shorthand (Pitman, Gregg etc.)
    > > symbols in Unicode? Or are they something which is specifically
    > I don't know if it is excluded. A reason to exclude it would be if it
    were a cipher
    > of something already in.
    > The only set of shorthand I know something of, dutch Groote, follows the
    > pronunciation of the words rather than the spelling.
    > Can shorthand be seen as a cipher of IPA ?

    Gregg and Pitman both include some characters that serve for both a
    voiced and an unvoiced consonant, so those systems at least can't be
    seen as simple ciphers of IPA. It they were encoded, I think they would
    belong on the SMP in the Notational Systems range of
    U+1D000-U+1FFFD, and Gregg would be very complex to implement
    because of the complex shaping rules it has. (Complex from the POV
    of a line of type that is.) I don't know enough about Pitman or other
    shorthands to comment on how hard it would be to implement them.

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