From: Otto Stolz (
Date: Mon Nov 29 2004 - 10:58:06 CST
I had written:
> Note that there is no algorithm to reliably derive the position of the
> syllable break from the spelling of a Word. You could even concoct pairs
> of homographs that differ only in the position of the syllable break
> (and, consequently, in their respective meaning). So far, I have only
> found the somewhat silly example
> - "Brief"+SYH+"lasche" (letter flap) vs.
> - "Brie"+SYH+"flasche" (bottle to keep Brie cheese in),
> but I am sure I could find better examples if I would try in earnest.
Peter Kirk schrieb:
> Before our French members get upset at the idea that anyone might keep
> their famous cheese in bottles, let me remind the list of a similar pair
> we had before, although this affects only the less common st ligature:
Just because the „st“ ligature is so uncommon (and the long „ſ“ with its
„ſt“ ligature is almost extinct), I was looking for an example involving
„fl“, or „fi“).
> Wachs-tube (growth tube)
(wax tube)
Best wishes,
Otto Stolz
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