From: Antoine Leca (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2005 - 06:32:09 CST
On Wednesday, February 16th, 2005 09:05Z Radovan Garabik va escriure:
> Just across a street from here, there is a travel agency, having a
> rather huge sign across their windows: "Preßburg reisen" - in all
> capitals, with ß being rather styled and blocky,
Am I alone thinking this looks like a font issue?
That is, it looks like to me an use of all-capital font, where of course ß
will be rendered along with the other characters, with the same height
(ascent, descent) as p, f, e...
Also, I have seen fonts with upper-case sized ß, different (slightly
smaller) from the lower-case sized one; yet this fonts also had small caps
of still another height, and I believe nobody will make a case to introduce
just another set of Latin letters to support small caps (the differing
height ß was probably there to support proper display of full caps.)
This is not to say that upper case ß might exist, this I am not qualified to
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