From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Fri May 13 2005 - 16:45:43 CDT
I can't read your EPS file attachments, but you seem to assume that the
"French" guillemots only have the glyphs shown in the Unicode charts.
In fact, the size, position, and angle of these guillemots is variable in
French texts. The x-height guillemots on the baseline is only one default,
but often French write smaller guillemots aligned on the top of the
M-height. The angle of the chevrons is also variable, some drawing those
guillemots "uglily" with an more acute angle and a wider kerning, some using
a tiny or inexistant kerning, with a flatter angle. Some even don't mark the
angle point, using half ellipses (making the glyphs look more like small
pairs of parentheses).
I don't know which of these variable forms is recommanded in French.
Children learning to write are just taught to use marked angles, but there's
apparently no standard height for the glyph that must just be on the
baseline or above it, and correctly oriented to the left or right. So even
the "Asian" flat, narrow and tall chevrons are acceptable as well for
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrey V. Panov" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 4:46 AM
Subject: Cyrillic guillemotleft and guillemotright
> In Russian (and other Cyrillic alphabets in former Soviet Union)
> typographic tradition the double-angle quotation marks (guillemotleft and
> guillemotright) usually have shape different from French ones: inner
> angles have less size. Look at attachments. Now for Russian texts are
> used special fonts (typically in CP1251 encoding) with similar glyphs
> instead of ordinary guillemotleft and guillemotright. There is no way to
> place
> the both variants in an unicode font.
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