RE: Arabic encoding model (alas, static!)

Date: Wed Jul 06 2005 - 16:35:18 CDT

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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Bob Hallissy"

    >The idea of a generative encoding for Arabic was discussed and debated by the
    >UTC over the course of at least a year and a half  (Jan 2002 through to as late
    > as June 2003). This is the "recent proposal" to which I referred. In the end,
    > however, this particular proposal was rejected by the

    Sorry to ask again: where is the documented rationale for this rejection?

    > and therefore never incorporated into anything that the WG2 would see and act on.

    Sounds a bit like a veto to me and not seeking consensus, was the advice of the WG2 members even sought?

    Ashraf Sadek

    St Elias Coptic Community

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