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At 06:19 -0500 2005-07-07, wrote:
>This would tend to prove that Phoenician, which I was unaware was
>to be encoded, is just an archaic form of Hebrew (some ancient
>Phoenician inscriptions would be hard to separate linguistically from
>Old Hebrew I take it) and that it isn't really worth any implementer
>spending time on this script.
That isn't true. It would tend to prove that you can use Unicode code
positions for glyphs for things other than what they were intended
for. I am currently using Canadian Syllabics characters for a Vai
The larger companies tend to focus on support for living language
communities as their priority. That does not mean that we shouldn't
work to encode scripts used by scholars.
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *
- Next message: Mark E. Shoulson: "Re: Old Hebrew, extra Uniscribe work (Re: Arabic encoding model (alas, static!))"
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- Reply: Mark E. Shoulson: "Re: Old Hebrew, extra Uniscribe work (Re: Arabic encoding model (alas, static!))"
- Reply: John Hudson: "Re: Old Hebrew, extra Uniscribe work (Re: Arabic encoding model (alas, static!))"
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