Re: Arabic encoding model (alas, static!)

From: Dean Snyder (
Date: Wed Jul 06 2005 - 22:14:27 CDT

  • Next message: Dean Snyder: "Re: Arabic encoding model (alas, static!)"

    Peter Constable wrote at 11:56 AM on Wednesday, July 6, 2005:

    >I don't know the answer to these questions. I wonder, though, what the
    >intent of the question is.

    The intent of my questions is to uncover the facts behind Erkki
    Kolehmainen bald assertion that "it would be grossly unfair and
    misleading to characterize [WG2] as a rubberstamping organization."

    >Suppose there has *never* been an instance in which WG2 rejected a
    >UTC recommendation. What would you derive from that?

    I would assert that the burden of proof is on you and others to
    establish that the WG2 is not a rubber stamp of the UTC.

    Dean A. Snyder

    Assistant Research Scholar
    Manager, Digital Hammurabi Project
    Computer Science Department
    Whiting School of Engineering
    218C New Engineering Building
    3400 North Charles Street
    Johns Hopkins University
    Baltimore, Maryland, USA 21218

    office: 410 516-6850
    cell: 717 817-4897

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