From: Mark Davis (
Date: Fri Jul 08 2005 - 17:46:13 CDT
What CLDR does have is provision for some particular cases: for the use of
different forms of months, depending on context: either stand-alone ("July")
or within formats ("July 1, 1942"); for the use of currency formats that
change according to the value of the number (see the formats for INR); and
for exceptional titlecasing of language display names.
It would be extremely complex to describe all the mechanisms used for
forming arbitrary noun plurals in any particular language; and that does not
speak to more complex declinations of nouns or adjectives. What is it
exactly that you are looking for -- can you give an example?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Theo Veenker" <>
To: "unicode" <>
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 07:49
Subject: CLDR plural handling info?
> Hi,
> In the CLDR 1.3 data there is no field describing which plural
> handling method should be used when generating messages for the
> given locale. Why?
> Is it because there are no user interface messages in the CLDR?
> IMO it would be a good idea if the CLDR project in addition to
> the LDML format would also provide a message catalog format.
> But then of course plural handling data should be included in
> the CLDR.
> Theo
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