Re: Jumping Cursor. Was: Right-to-Left Punctuation Problem

From: Gregg Reynolds (
Date: Mon Aug 01 2005 - 13:08:23 CDT

  • Next message: Gregg Reynolds: "Re: Jumping Cursor. Was: Right-to-Left Punctuation Problem"

    Rick McGowan wrote:
    >>What does "sponsors" mean on this web page:
    > It means the people who submit the proposal. They are the sponsors of the
    > proposal.
    > Anyone can submit a proposal.

    I would be more than happy to submit or contribute to a proposal for the
    following strongly RTL codepoints:

            ( ) { } etc. - all brackets
            ' " ` etc.

    In short, all digits and weak directionals. This would be a wonderful
    thing for Arabic and Hebrew.

    But I get the distinct impression such a proposal would have virtually
    no chance of adoption. Am I overly pessimistic?



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