RE: New Public Review Issue

From: Kent Karlsson (
Date: Wed Aug 03 2005 - 08:59:30 CDT

  • Next message: Karl Pentzlin: "Letters missing for 19th century Latvian orthography?"

    > Yeah. But we are talking here about localization, so why should we avoid
    > to use a translated string of "not a number"?

    The suggestion is just for the "root" locale (CLDR has a "root" locale).
    Other locales can inherit or override values in the "root" locale.
    The "C" locale still has "NaN" as the representation for a NaN value.
    Most locales currently do not override this particular item.

    But REPLACEMENT CHARACTER, as currently in the "root" locale for this, is
    totally unsuitable as the textual representation for a NaN.

            * used to replace an incoming character whose value is unknown or
    unrepresentable in Unicode
            * compare the use of 001A as a control character to indicate the
    substitute function

    Not at all NaN-ish. I personally would prefer WARNING SIGN as the
    language-neutral textual representation for NaN, though "NaN" would
    be ok. But REPLACEMENT CHARACTER? No, no, no.

        /kent k

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