Re: Representing 'Halant R' in Marathi

From: Lokesh Joshi (
Date: Tue Aug 23 2005 - 22:42:07 CDT

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: Questions re ISO-639-1,2,3"

    no not in unicode, but this can be covered thru OTF rules. In OTF all these
    complexities can be taken care of. Ty Mangal font that comes free with VOLT.

    On 8/24/05, Neelesh Bodas <> wrote:
    > Hi,
    > In marathi, the "R" can be connected to other consonants in
    > multiple ways. Let me quote some marathi/sanskrit words to make this
    > clear
    > 1) kArya (Meaning : Work) : In this case, the half 'r' goes as a
    > "rafaar" on the top of y
    > 2) prANI (Meaning : animal) : In this case, the 'r' goes as a
    > slant line on the left of p. (Note : here 'p' is half, not 'r'.)
    > Both of these composite words can be represented properly by unicode
    > However, there is a third type of halant 'r' in marathi . As an
    > example, consider the marathi word "varyavar" (Meaning : On the air) :
    > This 'r' goes as a horizontal line before y. (I am attaching an image
    > to make this point clear).
    > Can such half 'r' be represented by unicode?
    > any guidelines will be useful.
    > Thanks in advance,
    > Neelesh

    Contact me @ lokeshjoshi AT gmail/yahoo/hotmail

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