Re: Cillus in Malayalam - separate code points?

From: Vinod Kumar (
Date: Tue Aug 30 2005 - 12:15:27 CDT

  • Next message: Peter Constable: "RE: [A12n-Collab] ISO 639-3 language variants for French"

    As a person whose mother tongue is Malayalam and
    as the main implementor of IndiX, I agree with N Ganesan
    that the Cillus should not be given separate code points.
    The Unicode review process approved this wrong step.
    I had pointed out that the Unicode 4.0 specifications
    for Chillaksharams are quite adequate for rendering them
    properly. Some people who were for separate code
    points raised some semantic arguments. These were eminently
    worth ignoring.

    I see that the original Unicode specifications were carefully
    crafted and adequate. The later modification like those for
    Cillu appear to be the brain child of people who lack the
    overall view of the Unicode architecture. Unfortunately
    the review process too appears not to rectify deviations
    from the uniform architecture and tends to introduce
    unnecessary code points.

    Vinod Kumar
    Project IndiX

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