From: Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin (
Date: Sat Sep 10 2005 - 06:28:11 CDT
On 2005.09.09, 01:28, Chris Jacobs <> quoted and
>> Apparently the very rare case of regular "i" followed by regular "j" in
>> Dutch (in "bijectie" and.?) never happends at the begining of a word.
> The I does not HAVE to be at the beginning of a word. You can have part
> of the word in ALL CAPS for emphasis, like:
> A BIjection is an INjection which is also a SURjection.
But that's not a mixed case ij-ligature, akin to, say, U+01C8 ("Lj" for
Croatian etc.). In Dutch "bijectie" uses regular "i" and "j", and any "Ij"
sequance is trivially encoded as U+0049 U+0069 — I'm sure we all agree on
My point was that
>> AFAIK there are no "Ij" in Dutch: the capitalized version of, say
>> "ijssel" is "IJssel".
i.e., there is no need of a mixed-case character, akin to the mentioned
U+01C8, *even* for those who say that U+0132 and U+0133 are the only
correct way to encode the Dutch ij-ligature.
-- ____.
António MARTINS-Tuválkin | ()|
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