From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Mon Oct 10 2005 - 11:47:28 CST
Eduardo Mendez inquired:
> An international think-tank I share in has proposed a correlation
> formula, a unit, a name and a glyph for a basket of various technical
> indices. It will be used in several applications in a way similar to a
> physical unit or a currency. It is probable that at some stage it will
> be included in founts design for specialised applications.
> I would like to know how should we proceed so it is registered by
> Unicode? I understand that Unicode maintains ISO 10620?
Well, ISO 10620 is the ISO standard for Dried sweet marjoram (Origanum
majorana L.) (true!), so no, I don't think Unicode has anything
to do with that.
You probably meant ISO/IEC 10646, which is the Universal Multiple-Octet
Coded Character Set (UCS), and which is, indeed, synchronized with the
work on the Unicode Standard.
The Unicode Consortium does not *maintain* ISO/IEC 10646, however.
That is the responsibility of JTC1/SC2/WG2, in the ISO context.
Furthermore, neither the Unicode Standard nor ISO/IEC 10646 is
a *registration* standard. They do not register glyphs or fonts.
Instead, they standardize encoded characters.
Your best bet, however, for starting to understand how proposals
for addition of characters to the Unicode Standard and ISO/IEC 10646
works is to start here:
and then move on to:
Note, however, that the Unicode Standard also does not standardize *units*
per se. A new unit of some sort that saw its way into significant
text usage may, however, be appropriate for standardization as
an encoded character.
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