Re: CLDR license

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Sat Oct 22 2005 - 11:05:26 CST

  • Next message: Deborah Goldsmith: "Re: CLDR license"

    From: "Eduardo Mendez" <>
    >I am interested too.
    > Or may be this project is cancelled?

    It is an interesting question.

    Previously the CLDR project was created by IBM as an part of its "ICU"
    open-source project, before it was splitted rapidly from it and maintained
    as a separate open-source project. Now the project has been transfered
    legally to Unicode (even if IBM, among others, still supports the project
    by still donating resources to the project now managed by the Unicode

    But I am still looking at the new licencing terms made by Unicode. Due to
    this apparent absence, it seems that the previous licence from the IBM
    open-source project still applies, because this is really a derivative work
    based on the original IBM open-source project. May be the licencing terms
    are still not ready, because there are some legal wordings to create that
    will preserve the legitimate original IBM rights, and allow correct
    management of the project by Unicode itself. So the CLDR working group
    should work on publishing their policy reagarding their licencing terms, and
    sign a formal agreement with IBM regarding the chane of open-source licence!

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