From: Mark Davis (
Date: Thu Oct 27 2005 - 09:22:49 CST
For my mind, the most useful ability would be a mode where all the pages
I would see on the site would be the last pages touched by a "reputable
authority". As a rule of thumb, I would assume that that person has
looked over the rest of the article and didn't have any severe qualms
about it.
The tricky part about it then is who constitutes a reputable authority,
and on which topics... But there are mechanisms for doing that.
Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
>On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 09:52:13AM +0100,
> Andrew West <> wrote
> a message of 14 lines which said:
>>>AFAIK, you have to read the entire history of an article to see who
>>>wrote what. It does not seem there is a function like the excellent
>>>"annotate" with CVS (or "praise" with Subversion) which displays each
>>>line together with its last author and revision number.
>>Just click on the "history" (or "historique") tab at the top of every
>>page, and it provides a convenient list of revisions including date,
>>author and summary of change.
>Exactly what I said (I know "history", thanks). Now, how do you find
>*who* wrote a given sentence in the article? (Short of, as I wrote
>"read the entire history of an article".) Specially if the summary is
>not clear (most aren't) or misleading.
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