Re: ISO 15924: Different Arabic scripts?

From: Christopher Fynn (
Date: Mon Nov 14 2005 - 09:33:50 CST

  • Next message: Cary Karp: "Hebrew script in IDN (was Exemplar Characters)"

    Andreas Prilop wrote:
    > has different Latin scripts: "normal", Fraktur, Gaelic.
    > Why is there only one Arabic script?
    > If Fraktur is a separate script, then there should be
    > at least Naskh and Nastaliq for Arabic.

    Indeed - if ISO 15924 has separate codes for different kinds of Latin
    script then it should probably allow for codes for well defined variants
    of other scripts. There many are other scripts with well known variant
    types that differ as much or more from the "normal" as Fraktur does from
       normal Latin.

    - Chris

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